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The Nemesis News - issue 09.08.2016, page 2
Dear Readers,
Ok, here we have the second issue of The Nemesis News :-D
More than a quarter of a century after Nemesis came into the world!
Over 20 years after the Prohibition of Nemesis at the TU Munich in
January 1994! About 15 years after the first (real) resurrection of
Nemesis again on a DECstation like at the TU Munich years before.
Circa 7 years after the second death caused by a massive hardware
failure. And only 1 1/2 years after the second/current resurrection
we are very proud to present
The Nemesis News, Issue 2, 2016/08/09 !
Ok, another enormous number - now it gets painful - over 23 years
after the first issue of The Nemesis News was published! ;-) In
mitigation I have to say that it took less than 3 months from the
first ideas for a new issue to the publication :-)
20 years ago, in the "good old days" ;-) nothing was better: While
digging in the ancient bits of the 1990s I found a cover page of
The Nemesis News, Issue 1, dated from September 10th, 1992 ... Huh?
At least it took more than 7 months until issue 1 was published. Or
there was "another" issue 1 that got totally lost! :-(
But if there was another issue 1, our issue 2 would be number 3!
Should we call our new issue of The Nemesis News "issue 2 1/2"?
acting Chief Editor,
\Kiri the Bald
PS: The exact date when Nemesis was born is still unknown ... what
we put online on https://nemesis.de/history/ is only an estimation.
PPS: All dates in the Nemesian calendar got lost ... No surprise
considering a whole world getting frozen twice ;-)
PPPS: Forget it if you want to dig up ancient records about Nemesis
(e.g. when it has been launched) via your favourite search engine.
When it was banned in 1994, there was no Internet as we know it
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Issue 2 09.08.2016 10 coins
Page 2 - Editorial : "The Second Issue" - Kiri
Page 3 - Report : "The Great Earthquake" - Unknown
Page 4 - Advertisement: "Soaker's Hut" - Wastl
Page 5 - Feature : "Pool Talk" - Falbala
Page 6 - Feature : "Shop Talk" - Falbala
Page 7 - Feature : "Cemetery Talk" - Falbala
Page 8 - Report : "Penguin's Point" - Dagobert Duck
Page 9 - Recipe : "Hot Fish Soup" - Dagobert Duck
Page 10 - Interview : "Joker, the Joker" - Ponkie
Page 11 - Interview : "Prof. Archibald Olstoff" - Falbala
List of issues
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