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The Nemesis News - issue 28.04.1993, page 5

After years of extensive study the Meteorologists Union of Nemesis is proud
to present a full year calendar. There were high disputes about the number
of weekdays and months, but in the end all researchers came to an aggreement.

We decided that a day should have 24 hours, 0 o'clock is the middle of
the night and 12 o'clock is the middle of the day.

The leading statisticians found out that on average the dawn in Nemesis lasts
from 4:00 to 4:30 and day is from 4:30 to 22:00. Dusk is from 22:00 to 22:30
and the night takes place from 22:30 to 4:00.

A week lasts 7 days, and we named the weekdays Bluemonday, Workday, Middleweek,
Snakesday, Freeday, Sunnyeve and Holyday.

The year has 13 months and each month has 30 days. The Names of the months are:
Frost Giant, Sparkling Crystal, Whispering Bird, Warm Rain, Blossoming Flowers,
Busy Bumblebee, Blue Moon, Burning Sun, Cherry Field, Dried Mistletoe,
Walking Shadow, Misty Mountains and Howling Wolf

We have found out that the year can be classified into four seasons, lasting
100, 100, 100 and 90 days:
Spring: Sparkling Crystal, 21st - Blossoming Flowers, 30th
Summer: Busy Bumblebee, 1st     - Cherry Field, 10th
Autumn: Cherry Field, 11th      - Misty Mountains, 20th
Winter: Misty Mountains, 21st   - Sparkling Crystal, 20th

An explanation of the source for the arious weekday and months names would
extend this paper, but we will present it in a later issue.

A lot of historicians have been ordered to rewrite the history of Nemesis
according to the new time calculation, but that is an immense amount of work
to do, so it will probably last a few years until finish, but we will present
the first results to you as soon as available.

                                                 The Meteorologists Union

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                 Issue 1        28.04.1993        10 coins 


    Page 2  - Editorial    : "The Nemesis News"          - Poe
    Page 3  - Feature      : "An Interview with Merlin"  - Ponkie
    Page 4  - Story        : "Saucery!"                  - Poe
    Page 5  - Information  : "The Time in Nemesis"       - Junky & Dixie
    Page 6  - Map          : "Welcome To The Jungle"     - Berny & Tasselhoff
    Page 7  - Advertisement: "Malrigor"                  - Warmonger
    Page 8  - Statistics   : "Population Count"          - Junky
    Page 9  - Poem         : "Random Acts of Violence"   - Karnack
    Page 10 - Humour       : "Gods"                      - Unknown

List of issues


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