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Documentation Area
Document Path: /doc/room/random_monster_move
Name: random_monster_move - provide a direction for a monster's "random" move
string random_monster_move(object mon)
If you define this function in a room you may return a command which
is then executed by the monster as a "random move". The monster object
which wants to move is provided as a parameter.
Though this is originally intended to return a direction where the room
may be exited it is not limited to this. The string you return is
executed as it is, so be creative about it!
Return value:
A command string to be executed by the monster, or 0 to use the
default behaviour.
random_monster_move(object mon) {
if (mon->query_name() == "Harry" && random(2)==0)
return "climb rope";
return "east";
Assuming your room has two exits, "east" and "climb rope", this code
sends all monsters strolling in back to the east at their next reset.
Only Harry will be sent up the rope in 50% of the cases.
See also:
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