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Adventurers' Help: follow

Command: follow/part - lets you follow a being and part with this being

	You can 'follow' every being almost everywhere. And you can
	'part with' this being in order to stop following. Via 'part
	with' you can get rid off somebody who is following you, too.

	The "with" in 'part with' is optional - there is no need to
	type it (see Examples: below).

	'follow' without argument shows whom you are following.

	follow <being>
	part [with] <being>

	follow billy
	part with billy
	part billy

	There is no warranty that you follow your guide everywhere.
	Many reasons can bar you from doing so.

	When you are idle (that is to say: doing nothing except
	following) for too long while you are following somebody, the
	connection to your guide will be cut after a certain time.
	You get warnings before loosing your guide.

	Following someone, another adventurer or a monster, can be
	dangerous: they might lead you into harmful situations.

	'follow'/'part' was coded by Wastl (see 'whois wastl' or
	https://nemesis.de/lpc/bin/finger/wastl ) in February 2017,
	after Kiri ( https://nemesis.de/lpc/bin/finger/kiri or 'whois
	kiri') had a brainwave how to create a follower system.

See also:

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