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Adventurers' Help: kill

Command: kill - makes you kill a monster

	The command 'kill' makes you start attacking someone else in order
	to kill this other living being: usually a monster/NPC (Non Player
	Character). It is possible to run away anytime from a fight. If you
	catch up with a fleeing person, you will get one attack for free.

	You can also use spells to start a fight - see 'help spell'.

	kill <monster>

	kill orc

	In Nemesis the so-called "player killing" is not prohibited. But by
	default, no one can kill another player/adventurer. If you want to
	do this, you have to 'risk live' and become a "desperado" or an
	"outlaw" - see 'help playerkilling'.

See also:

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