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Documentation Area

Document Path: /doc/w/force

Command: force - forces a being to do something

	'force' makes a player, wizard or monster execute a 'command'.

	The behaviour of 'force' - the order to search for a being - has
	changed: First the room you are in is searched - here numbering
	is supported (via efun present). Next are players/wizards, also
	by 'alt_name' if online. At last all living objects are searched.
	Living objects have a set living name.

	force <being> to <command>
	force <being> <command>

	force turle to north
	force mr ed to drink beer
	force turtle south

	Pay attention to the keyword "to" - useful (and often needed) with
	living names of two or more words.

	Whether you fail or succeed depends on your privileges and whom you
	force. You are able to force (almost) all NPCs - please read on!

	Monsters don't have the commands a player or wizard has. No 'say',
	'get', 'put', 'give' etc. They only have commands given by objects
	they have in their inventory or in the room and commands added by
	the room they are in.

	Monsters don't understand shortened directions like 'n', 'd', etc.
	You have to use the full commands like 'north' and 'down', etc.

See also:

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