Day & Night Room Items:
The same facts that are valid for day & night descriptions are valid
for day and night items. Normal items are displayed day and night, day
items are only displayed if it is day and night items are only displayed
if it is night.
CORRECTED: NO MATTER what type of room item it is: If "it is too dark"
in a room, NO type of item is displayed if a player tries to examine
an item! This is NOT NEW! This statement is valid for a long time ;-)
TECHNICAL CHANGE: NO MATTER if there is light in the room or not: Even
during the night the id() function of a room returns true if the item
("normal" room item or night_item) set.
These functions for day and night room items are set_day_items and
set_night_items. The arguments are exactly the same as for the "normal"
items (see 'man room/set_items'). Probably day and night items are not
often used, but make sure that, if you have different day and night
descriptions, the player should be able to look at the things mentioned
in the description.
Of course all day & night stuff as day & night description & items are
in most cases only sensible for outside rooms. If you are creating a
dungeon or cave room usually you don't have to care about them. But you
should keep them in mind - they raise the athmosphere strongly.
Changed/modified/modernised in August 2016.
See also: |