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Documentation Area

Document Path: /doc/build/armour

To get an armour do:
    object aobj;

    aobj = clone_object("obj/armour");

For customization the following routines are available :

You must call these functions (use call_other()):

    string n. Sets the name and short description to n.
    Sets long description to short + ".\n"

These are the optional functions:

    string s. Sets the short description to s and the long to short + ".\n"

    string l. Sets the long description to l.

    int v. Sets the selling value to v.

    int w. Sets the weight to w.

set_ac(a) { ac = a; }
    int a. Sets the armour class to a. A random value up to 'a' is substracted
    from the hit. Should normally not be higher than 4.
    See 'man armour.list' and have a look in /lib/armour_tbl.c

set_alias(a) { alias = a; }
    string a. Sets an alias name if armour.

set_type(t) { type = t };
    string t. Sets the type of armour to t. Only one of every type can be worn.
    These are the types you can use: helmet, amulet, armour, shield, ring, 
    glove, cloak and boot. 
	You can set an arbitrary name but we strongly suggest that you only 
    use these. Default is armour. The armour class of every worn armour is added

    int l. Makes the armour shine like a lamp of strenght l.

See also:

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