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Command: score - shows your 'score' and anything about your current status
'score' shows your name, your alignment, your current experience
points (XPs), gold coins, hit points (HPs) and spell points (SPs).
You also get your level and stats such as strength, dexterity,
constitution and intelligence (see 'help stats') as well as your
current age.
If you are in brave mode (not 'wimpy'), you get "You are brave!" -
see 'help wimpy'.
As the case may be 'score' also displays whether you are intoxicated,
stuffed or soaked.
If you are 'away', your away message is displayed (see 'help away').
You are Xy the the lowrank ranger (nice).
You have 3429 experience points and 1728 gold coins.
You also have 88 hit points out of 98 and 74 spell points out of 74.
Level: 3; Intelligence: 4; Constitution: 7; Strength: 6; Dexterity: 7.
Your age is 1 days 5 hours 59 minutes 56 seconds.
You are away for lunch.
'health' might be a quick alternative during combats as it shows
your hit points (HP) and spell points (SP) only.
'score' can be abbreviated to 'sc', 'sco', etc.
See also:
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