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Command: set realname - stores your real name or removes it again
If you like to, you can make your real name known to the
Administration of Nemesis, to the Archwizards - see 'help admin'.
Your real name will be neither available for players nor
externally available via https://nemesis.de/lpc/bin/finger/ .
It is also kept away from wizards of lower levels.
'set realname <real name>' will change your real name entry to
what you supply as "<real name>".
Without argument, 'set realname' shows your stored real name.
To remove your real name entry, just type 'set realname none'
or 'unset realname' (see also 'help unset').
set realname <real name>
set realname none
set realname
set realname Arthur Dent
set realname none
Adding your real name is another way to identify you: if you forgot
your password and your stored mail address is not valid anymore,
you have to go the "hard way" and contact the Administration of
Nemesis (see 'help admin','help mailaddr' and 'help password').
You also can add or change your stored real name using 'chfn'. It
means CHange Full Name, like the command on Unix-like systems. And
you can remove your stored real name with 'chfn none'.
See also:
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