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Adventurers' Help: drop

Command: drop - drops items

	You can drop items you carry in order to get rid of them. Then
	they are in the room you are.

	But you can also drop an item into a container, e.g. a bag.
	In this case 'drop' is synonymous with 'put' - see 'help put'.

	You also can drop "item number X" - see Examples: below and 'help

	drop all
	drop <item>
	drop <item> in <container>
	drop <item> into <container>

	drop all
	drop sword
	drop sword 2
	drop stick in chest 2
	drop stick 3 into chest
	drop stick into bag
	drop stick 4 into bag 2

	Be VERY careful with 'drop all'!

	Dropping items into a container you have, enables you to carry more.

	'drop all in <container>' is not supported.

See also:

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