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Documentation Area
Document Path: /doc/w/mudfm
Service: MudFM - editing files etc. via the browser
MudFM (MUD FileManager) is a new feature of Nemesis to upload,
download, edit, remove, etc. files via HTTP to/from/in your
wizard home directory and your domain directory or wherever you
have access. Via MudFM you have the same read and write access
as within Nemesis - MudFM communicates with Nemesis itself for
checking your permissions. Your personal environment variable
'home' inside Nemesis is used - see 'help set'.
Login with your wizard name and your regular password. You get
there via https://nemesis.de/files/ .
- MudFM is available via httpS,
- all features below are according to the wizard's personal
read/write permissions in Nemesis in/from/to the entire MudLib,
- the personal environment variable 'home' (for the home directory)
from inside Nemesis is used - see 'help set',
- full read/write access to the directory tree of the MudLib by
"walking" and "jumping" through the tree (supporting '~/<dir>'
for your home directory and '~<wizard>' for the home directory
of <wizard> - as within Nemesis),
- editing/viewing (depending on permissions) of files in the full
- editing/viewing with LPC syntax support (default for .c- and
.h-files), 'go to <line>', 'search(/replace)', etc. (see 'Toggle
editor' in editor),
- creating new files and directories,
- deleting files und directories,
- download of all readable files,
- upload of files to writable directories,
- unTARring of *.tar(.gz|.bz2) and unZIPping of ZIP-archives,
- (re)sorting the directory listings,
- viewing of binary files (e.g. pictures, PDFs).
Coming (sometime):
- download of complete directories as archives.
MudFM checks your password with Nemesis, not with NemTest! Also your
permissions for file access etc. are taken from Nemesis!
MudFM's development started in April 2015 after the 2nd resurrection
of Nemesis (January 2015). Snake developed most of it (see 'whois
snake' or https://nemesis.de/lpc/bin/finger/snake ). Also Wastl (see
'whois wastl or https://nemesis.de/lpc/bin/finger/wastl ) contribute
some perl code. Kiri programed the LPC part for the authentication
of the users and checking the read and write access ('whois kiri' or
https://nemesis.de/lpc/bin/finger/kiri ).
See also: https://nemesis.de/history/ and also
https://nemesis.de/news/#mudfm .
See also:
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