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Documentation Area

Document Path: /doc/room/set_short

Name: set_short - set the short description in a room

	#include <room2.h>
	set_short(string short_desc)

	The set_short call sets the short description in a room. The short
	description is displayed whenever a player enters a room while he is
	brief mode.

	The short description itself normally us a single line specifying the
	general environment the player is at the moment. It is not terminated
	with a linefeed ('\n'). The short description should be lowercase for
	it is used in several places. For example if someone wants to know
	about the current location of a player something like <name> is
	currently in <short_desc> is displayed.

	The long description affects the short function in the room.

Return value: none

	set_short("a green meadow");

See also:

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