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Document Path: /doc/monsters/storm_giant
Storm Giant (Humanoid)
No. Appearing : 1 (2-4)
Climate/Terrain: Special (See above)
Frequency : Very rare
Organization : Solitary or tribal
Activity Cycle : Any
Diet : Omnivore
Storm giants are gently and reclusive. They are usually tolerant of
others, but can be vary dangerous when angry. Storm giants resemble
well-formed humans of gargantuan proportions. Adult males and females
are about 26' tall and weigh about 15000 pounds. Storm giants have
pale, light green or (rarely) violet skin. Green-skinned storm giants
have dark green hair and glittering emerald eyes. Violet-skinned storm
giants have deep violet or blue-black hair with silvery gray or purple
eyes. Storm giants can live to be 600 years old.
A storm giant's garb usully is a short, loose tunic belted at the
waist, sandals or bare feet, and a headband. They wear a few pieces of
simple, but finely crafted jewelry: anklets (favoured by bare-footed
giants), rings, or circlets being most common.
Storm giants usually carry pouches attached to their belts. These hold
only a few tools, necessities, and a simple musical instrument - usu-
ally a panpipe or harp. Other than the jewelry they wear, they prefer
to leave their wealth in their lairs. They speak their own language as
well as cloud giant, tongue common to all giants, and the common tongue
of humankind.
All storm giants are immune to electrcity and lightning. They use wea-
pons and special abilities instead of hurling rocks, but can catch
large missiles 65% of the time.
Storm giants are born with water breathing ability, and can move, at-
tack, and use magic under water as if they were on land. Juvenile and
adult storm giants can cast control weather and levitate spells lif-
ting their own weight and as much as 4000 additional pounds twice a
day. Adult storm giants also can call lightning, lightning bolt, con-
trol winds, and use weather summoning once a day. A storm giant uses
its magical abilities at 15th level. An angry storm giant usually will
summon a storm and call lightning.
They employ gigantic two-handed swords in battle. A storm giant's over-
sized, weapons do triple normal (man-sized) damage to all opponents,
plus the giant's strength bonus. They also use massive composite bows
which have a 300 yard range. There is a 10% chance that any storm giant
will have enchanted weapons. In battle, storm giants usually wear ela-
borate bronze plate mail.
Storm giants are retiring and solitary, but not shy. They live in cast-
les built on cloud islands (60%), mountain peaks (20%), or underwater
(10%). They live quiet, reflective lives and spend their time musing
about the world, composing and playing music, and tiling their land or
gathering food. Land- and air-dwelling storm giants usually are on good
terms with neighbouring silver dragons and good cloud giants, and
cooperate with them for mutual defense. Aquatic storm giants have simi-
lar relationships with mermen and bronze dragons.
When two or more storm giants are encountered in lair they will be a
mated couple and their children. With 25% chance an infant with no com-
bat ability and hit points of an ogre is present. The other case indi-
cates a progeny with hit points, damage, and attack rolls equal to that
of a cloud giant.
There is a 20% chance that an adult storm giant is also a priest (70%)
or priest/wizard (30%). Storm giants can attain 9th level as priests
and 7th levels as wizard. Storm giant priests can cast regular spells
from the animal, charm, combat, creation, guardian, healing, plant,
weather, and sun spheres. Storm giant wizards are generalists, and ty-
pically know spells from the alteration, invocation/evocation, conjura-
tion/summoning, and abjuration schools.
Storm giant lairs are always protected by guards. Land or aerial lairs
have 1-2 rocs (70%), which also serve as mounts, or 1-4 griffons (30%).
Underwater lairs have 2-8 sea lions.
Storm giants live off the land in the immediate vicinity of their
lairs. If the natural harvest is not enough to sustain them, they cre-
ate and carefully till large areas of gardens, fields, and vineyards.
They do not keep animals for food, preferring to hunt.
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