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Document Path: /doc/monsters/spider

	Large Spider, Hunting Spider  (Lesser Animals)

	                 Large Spider   Hunting Spider
	No. Appearing  : 2-20           1-20
	Climate/Terrain: Any non-arctic Any non-arctic
	                 land           land
	Frequency      : Common         Common
	Organization   : Swarm          Swarm
	Activity Cycle : Any            Any
	Diet           : Carnivore      Omnivore

	Spiders are aggressive predators, dwelling both above and below ground.
	Most spiders are poisonous and bite prey first, because unconscious
	victims are easier to carry to a lair.

	Spiders have eight legs and eight eyes. They usually fit into two cate-
	gories: web-spinners, which have bulbous abdomens and thin, sleek legs,
	and hunting spiders, which have smaller bodies, larger heads and fangs,
	and hairy bodies and legs.

Large Spider:
	Large spiders are web-spinners that build strong, sticky webs, and of-
	ten lurk nearby waiting for victims to get struck examining the beauti-
	ful constructions of their own spinning. As many spiders as possible
	will attack the defenseless victim during its struggle to free itself.
	Large spiders possess a strong poisonous venom.

Hunting Spider:
	These are the vicious, black, spiders that are found in jungles, tombs,
	and caverns. Though spin no webs, they can move readily in the webs of
	other spiders, and they are immune to all known spider venoms.

	Hunting spiders hunt in groups, swarming over victims to bite. They are
	remarkably resistant to crushing damage; rolling or crashing into walls
	is ineffective at removing or destroying hairy spiders. They must be
	individually struck or torn away.

	Hunting spiders are sometimes used as familiars, especially by drow
	wizards. They can carry small items and walk on walls and ceilings;
	they have 60-foot infravision and are not afraid of fire. These fami-
	liars are sometimes given treasure by their masters.

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