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Document Path: /doc/monsters/sphinx

	Sphinx  (Magical Creature)

	No. Appearing  : 1
	Climate/Terrain: Warm lands
	Frequency      : Very rare
	Organization   : Solitary
	Activity Cycle : Day
	Diet           : Carnivore

	Sphinxes are huge, winged mythincal creatures with the bodies of lions
	and human-like facial features. They can speak the languages of common
	and all sphinxes.

	Its huge paws can kill a normal man with just one swipe. If brute force
	is not successful, a sphinx can cast spells as if a 6th-level priest.
	Note that most sphinxes use these spells for healing and defense rather
	than damage and attack.

	Male sphinxes have another special weapon as well - their bellowing
	roar. It can roar three times per day, but must be very angry to do so.
	The first time an angry sphinx roars, all creatures with 360 yards are
	likely to flee in panic for three turns. When an already angry sphinx
	is continually molested, even after bellowing once, it can roar even
	louder, causing all creaturs within 200 yards to be paralyzed for a few
	rounds. In addition, any creatures within 30 yards of this second roar
	are automatically deafened for several rounds (unless they are deaf al-
	ready or have protected hearing organs). Any creature foolish enough to
	anger a sphinx further will unleash its third and final roar with de-
	vastating effects. All creatures within 240 yards will 2-8 strength
	points for 2-8 rounds. In addition to the weakness effects, any crea-
	ture within 30 yards of the sphinx is knocked over unless it is 8 feet
	tall or larger. Creatures knocked over suffer severe damage and are
	likely to be stunned for several rounds. The force of this third roar
	is so powerful that stone within 30 yards cracks under the strain.

	Sphinxes help strangers only if they are paid. They accept payment for
	services rendered or knowledge and advice given, in the form of gems
	(preferred), jewel- ry, magic, or knowledge. They accept a fine prose,
	poetry, lore, or a good riddle. If anyone breaks a bargain with a
	shpinx, he is subject to attack and the sphinx won't hesitate to de-
	vour the victim if it wins the fight.

	Sphinxes are solitary by nature. However, most sphinxes eventually
	succumb to the advances of a counterpart of the opposite sex at least
	once in their lives. Sphinxes are intelligent enough to actively seek
	out ruins and mystical places, like forgotten temples and such, which
	they immediately occupy. Using their many spells to learn as much as
	possible about the setting, they then wait for the next group of tra-
	vellers, pilgrims, or adventurers to come by and hope that they've en-
	countered a sphinx of opposite sex in their travels or have spells or
	magical items that might be usable for just such a purpose.

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