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Document Path: /doc/monsters/leviathan
Leviathan (Sea Animal)
No. Appearing : 1
Climate/Terrain: Oceans
Frequency : Very rare
Organization : Solitary
Activity Cycle : Any
Diet : Omnivore
The leviathan is an almost unimaginably immense whale, 500 to 1000 feet
long. It is the lord of all whales and the intermediary between ceta-
ceans and the gods. Under normal conditions, only one leviathan dwells
in each ocean. The leviathan is not always active. It may hibernate for
years on the ocean floor. During these long sleeps, the leviathan is
attended and protected by its entourage of other whales. The leviathan
awakens if summoned by the needs of other whales or in answer to a di-
vine request.
Leviathans are awesome foes with a variety of attacks. Apart from their
bite and tail blows a leviathan is capable of swallowing a target up to
80 feet long. When attacking a mass of surface vessels, the leviathan
creates a powerful wave by swimming deep, rushing to the surface, and
leaping halfway out of the water. Tehe resulting wave causes every ship
within 500 feet to sink.
Once each century, leviathans gather in arctic waters to confer and
mate. This gathering lasts six months. Each leviathan is attended by
several giant whales and masses of whales of other species.
The stomach of a leviathan contains air pockets that are capable of
sustaining a victim until he escapes or is digested. The stomach may
also contain undigested possession of previous meals or even sea
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