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Document Path: /doc/monsters/kraken

	Kraken  (Sea Animal)

	No. Appearing  : 1
	Climate/Terrain: Very deep oceans
	Frequency      : Very rare
	Organization   : Solitary
	Activity Cycle : Any
	Diet           : Carnivore

	A kraken is a rare form of gargantuan squid, with the difference that
	it is 50% bigger and two of their tentacles are barbed. It is one of
	the most deadly monsters in existence.

	Krakens attack as huge varieties of giant squid. After grabbing their
	prey, they then try to drag it toward their gaping maws for a bite.

	If three or more of its tentacles have been severed, the monster is
	likely to retreat, leaving behind a cloud of ink to discourage pursuit.
	The kraken is 50% likely to retreat to its den if four or more of its
	tentacles have victims. It leaves a behind an ink cloud in this case
	also. The ink cloud of a kraken is 80 feet high by 80 feet wide by 120
	feet long and is poisonous.

	Krakens can drag ships of 60 feet long down in the same way as normal
	giant squids attack. They have the innate power to cause airy water in
	a sphere 120 yards across or in a hemisphere 240 yards across (they can
	do this continously).

	Krakens have intelligences of genius or higher and often control entire
	regions of the underwater world. Their lairs lie thousands of feet be-
	low the surface and they maintain huge complexes of caverns where they
	keep and breed human slaves to serve and feed them.

	Krakens can breathe either air or water and are aggressive hunters.
	Many tropical islands have been completely stripped of all inhabitants
	(animal and human) by krakens. It is said that krakens retreated to the
	depths when the forces of good thwarted their attempt to rule the seas,
	but it is also said that in the future krakens will rise again.

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