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Document Path: /doc/monsters/insect

	Giant Ant, Worker Bee, Soldier Bee, Bumblebee, Dragonfly, Giant Fire-
	fly, Fyrefly, Giant Horsefly, Giant Hornet, Gargantuan Praying Mantis,
	Giant Harvester Termite, Giant Wasp  (Animals)

	Climate/Terrain: Any
	Frequency      : Common
	Organization   : Swarm
	Activity Cycle : Day
	Diet           : Special

	                 Giant Ant    Worker Bee   Soldier Bee  Bumblebee
	No. Appearing  : 1-100        1-10         1            1

	                 Dragonfly    G. Firefly   Fyrefly      G. Horsefly
	No. Appearing  : 1-6          1-4          1            1-4

			 G. Hornet    G.Pr. Mantis G.H. Termite G. Wasp
	No. Appearing  : 1            1-2          3-18         1-20

	Insects are the heartiest and the most numerous of creatures. Normal
	insects are found almost everywhere. The giant variety, many of which
	are listed here, with added brawn and power, make though opponents.

Giant Ant:
	Both worker and warrior ants fight. If a warrior manages to bite, it
	also tries to sting. The queen is much stronger, but does not move or

Worker Bee:
	Worker bees use their stinger in combat. The victim will usually get
	additional damage due to poison. Bees lose their stinger after one use
	and die in an hour. If encountered at the hive, there will be 20 times
	the normal number of bees.

Soldier Bee:
	Soldier bees are identical to worker bees, except their sting causes
	more damage.

	Bumblebee poison usually causes an additional damage. If encountered
	at or near the nest, there will be 7-12 bumblebees, and a combative
	queen. The queen is much stronger and she has a sting that causes more
	damage. The poison from her sting also causes more damage than normal
	bumblebees. Bumblebees do not lose their stingers after use.

	Giant dragonflies gain a bonus to initiative rolls and an armour class
	bonus agains missile weapons. A dragonfly scoops tiny- and small-sized
	creatures into its leg basked and devours them in midair. When cap-
	tured, its victim is attacked automatically. When attacking man- or
	large-sized creatures, the dragonfly darts in to bite with its mandi-
	bles, and backs up, always facing its opponent.

Giant Firefly:
	In addition to its mandibles, the giant firefly can brighten its ab-
	domen once every turn, creating a beam of greenish light that causes
	great damage.

	When a fyrefly contacts flammable objects, these items will be con-
	sumed. Persons in burning clothing suffer additional damage. Hits that
	do not strike burnable material, cause 1 point of damage to the victim.

Giant Horsefly:
	The largest of all flies, the giant horsefily alights on any creatures
	to attack for blood with its tuberous mouth. After biting, the giant
	horsefly causes an equal amount of damage next round by drawing blood,
	unless driven off.

Giant Hornet:
	The solitary giant hornet swoops down on its prey, holding with its
	legs while its stinger repeatedly stabs the victim. A failed save vs.
	poison causes additional damage and 2-12 hours of paralyzation. Hornets
	do not lose their stingers when they attack.

Gargantuan Praying Mantis:
	The gargantuan mantis graps prey, that inadvertently comes too close,
	with its front spiny arms. Besides its two claws, it bites with its
	strong mandibles, removing and chewing flesh with each unerring strike.

Giant Harvester Termite:
	Gropus of 30 or more worker termites are accompanied by soldiers. Sol-
	dier termites can spit an irritating liquid like kerosene once per turn
	at a range of 10 feet. This flammable liquid blinds creatures, for 4-20
	rounds. If ignited, termite spittle causes damage. King termites have
	double range spittle and can use this attack every other round, but the
	queen lacks this ability. Both the queen and king (and the eggs) are
	guarded by twice the number of workers and soldiers encountered nor-
	mally, and who attack with a bonus to hit and morale rolls.

Giant Wasp:
	These cooperative insects attack with both their bite and stinger. The
	venom carried by wasps is identical to that held by the giant hornet.
	Wasps do not lose their stingers when they attack.

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