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Document Path: /doc/monsters/gremlin

	Gremlin  (Magical Creature)

	No. Appearing  : 1-6
	Climate/Terrain: Any land
	Frequency      : Very rare
	Organization   : Pack
	Activity Cycle : Night
	Diet           : Omnivore

	Often mistaken for imps, gremlins are small, winged goblinoids. There
	are many varieties of gremlins, and most are chaotic and mischievous.
	Their skin color ranges from brown to black to gray, frequently in a
	mottled blend. Their ears are very large and pointed, giving them a 65%
	chance to hear noise. A pair of bat-like wings enables them to fly or
	glide. Gremlins never wear clothing or ornamentation.

	Gremlins are worthless in real combat; at every opportunity they flee
	rather than fight face-to-face. What gremlins like to do best is cause
	trouble. The angrier their victims are, the happier the gremlins. Their
	favourite tactic is to set up a trap to humiliate or hurt a loved one.
	If the opponent gets hurt as well, that's just fine. For example, the
	gremlin may set a trip wire across a doorway that pulls down a fragile
	vase onto the victim's head. A building infested by a gremlin pack can
	be reduced to shambles in a single night.

	Im melee, gremlins have only their weak bite for attacks. They can fly
	quite well, but they usually stay close to the ground or well over
	their opponents' heads, where they are difficult to reach. They can be
	hit only by magical weapons, and are 25% resistant to magic. Despite
	these defenses, they are cowards and fight only if cornered.

	Gremlins are magical creatures that originated in an unknwn plane of
	existence. They are highly susceptible to mutation and can interbreed
	with any goblinoid species. This has resulted in several different
	gremlin races, each with slightly different abilities and natures.

	Gremlins travel in small packs, and they have a highly organized so-
	cial order. Each gremlin knows who is above him in social rank, and who
	is below. As a rule, this is ordered by hit points, but an aggressive
	gremlin with lower hit points may be above larger gremlins in the so-
	cial standing. Males and females are indistinguishable to all but other
	gremlins. Both sexes participate equally in all things. Offspring are
	left to fend for themselves from birth, which they are fully capable of
	doing. Within a month, the gremlin is a fully matured adult. Fortuna-
	tely, they to not mate often.

	These obnoxious creatures look for a building or estate to infest. Al-
	though they flee individual combat, they will not leave the building or
	grounds they infest until it is no longer fun (when everything is bro-
	ken and the inhabitants have fled), or until their lives are in danger.
	Since the gremlins take great pains to not be seen, except as fleeting
	shadows, the inhabitants are frequently convinced that the place is

	Gremlins are not a natural part of the ecology. Their immunity to nor-
	mal weapons protects them from normal predators. Unmolested, they live
	for centuries.

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