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Document Path: /doc/monsters/crocodile

	Crocodile  (Lesser Animal)

	No. Appearing  : 3-24
	Climate/Terrain: Subtropical and tropical, saltwater swamps and rivers
	Frequency      : Common
	Organization   : Nil
	Activity Cycle : Day
	Diet           : Carnivore

	The crocodile is a large, dangerous predatory reptile native to tropi-
	cal and subtropical climes. It spends most of its time submerged in
	swamps, rivers, or other large bodies of water.

	The crocodile is one of the most feared and ugliest predators of the
	tropics. It has a long, squat body, ranging in size from a scant foot
	to well over ten feet long. Most mature specimens range from eight to
	15 feet long, and some even larger. Many sages argue that crocodiles
	never stop growing. The cocodile has a long jaw filled with sharp, co-
	nical teeth. The powerful maw is superbly adapted for dragging prey be-
	neath the water and dismembering it. Its four short legs are very po-
	werful and can propel the crocodile rapidly through the water and over
	the land. Its long tail is also very strong and is sometimes used on
	land to unbalance its foes.

	The crocodile is covered with a tough horny hide, which blends in very
	well with the surrounding water. Its eyes and nose are placed so that
	when the crocodile floats, only they remain above water, enabling the
	beast to spot and ambush prey. The crocodile is adept at floating
	through the water and remaining quite still, presenting the illusion
	that it is nothing more than a floating log.

	Ever voracious, hungry crocodiles will attack anything that looks edi-
	ble, including men. They prefer to lie in wait for their prey, and are
	exceedingly sensitive to movements in the water. They have been known
	to switfly and silently swim up to the shore and seize a man, dragging
	him below the surface of the water. They prefer to attack with their
	powerful jaws and lash with their tails. Crocodiles will fight among
	themselves for any prey they seize in their jaws, sometimes tearing
	their victim to pieces. The only thing that can slow a crocodile is
	cold; they become slow and sluggish when their body temperature falls
	below their normal degree.

	Crocodiles sometimes congregate in large numbers, but they are not by
	nature sociable, nor do they cooperate in hunting. They have well-
	concealed lairs and will often drag their prey to their lairs before
	eating it. When a tasty morsel comes its way, a group of crocodiles
	will go into a feeding frenzy, each attempting to get a part of the
	feast. They hunt almost daily, primarily in the water, rarely on land.
	Their tastes are broad: fish, men, small mammals, aquatic birds, and
	even a careless lion has occasionally been known to fall into their
	grasp. Hungry crocodiles will sometimes upend boats to see what falls

	Crocodiles mate once a year, and the female lays a clutch of about 60
	eggs, carefully burying them in the sand. Unlike many other reptiles,
	the female carefully guards her eggs, protecting them from other preda-
	tors. When the time comes for the eggs to hatch, the mother assists by
	digging the eggs out of the sand. The newly hatched young are thrown
	entirely on their own resources to survive. Very few of the young sur-
	vive to maturity.

	Swamps and rivers are not the only abode of the crocodile. In recent
	years there have been dreadful rumours that some of these reptiles have
	made their homes in the sewers of cities in tropical regions, living on
	waste and carrion.

	The crocodile is a formidable predator and has little competition for
	food from other water creatures. Even on the riverbanks it has little
	to fear from rival predators; most would prefer not to tangle with a
	crocodile. The only predator that the crocodile need fear is man, who
	hunts it for its tough hide, which can be transformed into a beautiful,
	gleaming leather. Crocodiles are also hunted to eliminate the danger
	that they represent to riverside communities.

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