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Black Bear, Brown Bear, Cave Bear, Polar Bear (Animals)
Black Bear Brown Bear Cave Bear Polar Bear
No. Appearing : 1-3 1-6 1-2 1-6
Climate/Terrain: Temp. land Temp. land Any land Any cold
Frequency : Common Uncommon Uncommon Rare
Organization : Family Family Family Family
Activity Cycle : Day Day Day Day
Diet : Omnivore Omnivore Omnivore Omnivore
As a rather common mammal, bears tend to avoid humans unless provoked.
Exceptions to this rule can be a most unfortunate occurence.
Bears are, in general, large and powerful animals which are found
throughout the world's temperate and cooler climates. With dense fur
protecting them from the elements and powerful claws protecting them
from other animals, bears are the true rulers of the animal kingdoms
in the areas where they live.
All bears have excellent senses of hearing and smell but rather poor
eyesight. One common misconception people hold about bears is that
they hibernate during the winter. In fact, they sleep most of the time,
but their metabolism does not slow down, and they often wake up and
leave their lairs during warm spells.
Bears live in small family groups. Female bears are very protective of
their young, and more than one individual has been badly injured when
taunting or playing with seemingly harmless bear cubs.
All of these ursoids are omnivosous, although the gigantic cave bear
tends towards a diet of meat. Bears are fairly intelligent animals that
can be trained to perform in a variety of ways, particularly if cap-
tured as cubs. Bears can thus be found dancing in circuses or accompa-
nying 'mountain men' in the wilderness.
Black Bear:
The so-called black cear actually ranges in color from black to light
brown. It is smaller than the brown bear and the most widespread spe-
cies by far. Although black bears are usually not aggressive, they are
able fighters when pressed. Its most feared attack form is the bear
Brown Bear:
The brown bear, of which the infamous grizzly is the most well known
variety, is a bear of very aggressive disposition. Brown bears are more
carnivorous then their smaller cousins, the black bears. The grizzly in
particular will often bring down large game such as deer and elk. Brown
bears are aggressive hunters.
Cave Bear:
Cave bears are quite aggressive, willing to attack well-armed parties
without provocation.
Polar Bear:
Polar bears are powerful swimmers and feed mostly on marine animals.
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