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Documentation Area
Bat (Lesser Animal)
No. Appearing : 1-100
Climate/Terrain: Any land
Frequency : Common
Organization : Swarm
Activity Cycle : Night
Diet : Omnivore
Bats are common animals in many parts of the world. While ordinary Bats
are annoying but harmless, larger varieties can be quite deadly. With
almost 2000 different species of bats known, one can find wingspans
from less than two inches across to 15 feet or more. The small body of
the ordinary bat resembles a mouse, while the wings are formed from ex-
tra skin stretched across its limbs. The larger bats are scaled up but
otherwise similar in apperance.
Despite the common belief that bats are blind, nearly all known species
have rather good eyesight. In the dark, however, they do not rely on
their visual acuity, but navigate instead by echo-location. By emitting
a high-pitched squeal and listening for it to bounce back to them, they
can 'see' their surroundings by its natural form of sonar.
Ordinary bats attack only if cornered and left with no other opition.
If startled, bats tend to become frightened and confused. This causes
them to swarm around and often fly into things. The typical bat swarm
ends up putting out torches (1% chance per bat encountered per round),
confusing spell casting, inhibiting combatants' ability to wield wea-
pons, and otherwise getting in the way.
While bats are found almost anywhere, they prefer warm and humid cli-
mes. Some species hibernate during the cold season and a few are known
to migrate. Bats live in caves, dark buildings, or damp crevices, han-
ging by their toes during the day, and leaving at dusk to feed during
the night. In large, isolated caverns there may be thousands of bats.
Most bats eat fruit or insects, though some include small animals or
fish in their diets. The rare vampire bat travels at night to drink the
warm blood of living mammals, but its victims are rarely humans or de-
mihumans. Care must be taken not to confuse the vampire bat with the
true vampire in this regard.
Rot grubs and carrion crawlers are among the few creatures known to
live in the guano on the floor of large bat-infested caverns, making
any expeditions into such caves dangerous indeed. If the noxious odor
from the guano is not enough to subdue the hardiest of adventurers,
these crawling denizens are.
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