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Documentation Area

Document Path: /doc/helpdir/admin

Information: the Administration of Nemesis
(auto-generated Sun Mar  2 21:07:55 2025)

	The Administration of Nemesis consists of following wizards (in
	hierarchical order):

	Dungeon Master / Game Master / God: Snake
	Other Gods: Kiri, Lynx (retired), Myrnek (retired), Dixie (retired),
		Junky (retired)
	Archwizards: Teddy, Poe (retired), Metall (retired),
		Shadowfax (retired), Wastl (retired)

	If you need a "real" email-address, use admin @ nemesis.de .

	"retired" means that this Archwizard or God hasn't been active
	in Nemesis for more than 3 months.

	Also have a look at https://nemesis.de/contact/ .

See also:

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