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Document Path: /doc/efun/living

mixed living(object ob)

If object 'ob' has not called enable_commands() integer 0 is returned.
If object 'ob' has called enable_commands() but hasn't set a living_name
int 1 is returned.
If also living_name has been set, the living_name string is returned.

All livings typically have a living_name set, that is user objects as well
as monster objects. Calling living(user) is equivalent to calling
user->query_real_name(), but lots faster of course.

Consider however, that a player in the game should never see the living_name's
directly, as a wizard might want to be invisible. So when you generate output
that goes to a player's screen always use user->query_name(). The output
of that function is already cap'd, while living(user) is lowercase.

See also:

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