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Documentation Area

Document Path: /doc/concepts/combat_system

Well now there is some: 'help combat'

Changes you could notice: There is much more useful info when you stat a
living while it is fighting.

However the system doesn't concern you wizards directly, since you
are not supposed to mess with it, simply use the standard function calls
to artificially initiate a fight etc. and you can't go wrong.

Supported functions are:
attack(), attacked_by(enemy), hit_player(..), query_attack(), stop_fight(),
stop_hunting_mode(), attack_object(ob).

If you have been referring to the variables attacker_ob etc. please replace
them by calls to query_attack(), it will return anyone of the enemies present
in the room.

hunter and hunted have been removed for good. I don't think you used that, hm?

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