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Documentation Area

Document Path: /doc/concepts/career

The new career and guild system, by lynx and junky, /dev/mud.
    The lifetime of a character of a player is divided into 3 phases.
    Up to level 4 he will be an explorer. He will have to
	solve a series of simple quests with the objective to let him
	explore the world, to get familiar with the system and to get
	in touch with the various guilds.
	During this phase the character's guild is the good old adventurers
	guild, which now resides in "guild/adv/master" or STARTER_GUILD in
	guild.h. Only here he can advance and get information about quests
	he has to solve.
    Then the day will come when his guild rejects him, telling him he's now
	old enough to choose a career to follow, and join a 'real' guild.
	This is phase 2. There should be at least 4 different guilds
	(magicians, fighters, clerics, thieves for instance). Once joined
	a guild he will NEVER be able to leave it! And he will be able to
	advance, list quests etc. only in THAT guild. All others will
	reject him. The quests will be the same in all guilds, but the
	possibility to add special 'guild' quests is given.
	The learning period of a character in the guild is supposed to go
	through a period of say 10 levels, 5-15, in this period he should
	be able to 'learn' a new ability for every level. And he's supposed
	to practise these abilities with a trainer, to improve his skills.
	This of course costs some money. He then shall leave the apprehension
	phase of his career, when he has learned to control the abilities
	of his guild as best as he can.
    From then on he will be a master of his guild, though he might still not
	have complete control, because he might not be skilled enough, although
	he had practised all the times he had to practice to be able to advance.
	During the last 4 levels, 16-19, he will concentrate on solving the
	hardest quests of the game, and collecting experience by fighting the
	strongest monsters in the world.

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